

I went to New York to see Matt play at the Fillmore. Sadly, I don't have any pictures from that event. However, I was able to document the rest of my week in the living, breathing organism that is New York.

Brooklyn Bridge.

My bicycle at the Brooklyn Banks (a famous skate spot).

American Museum of Natural History.

A Rothko piece at the Museum of Modern Art. Probably my favorite thing that I did. The Van Gogh exhibit was awesome. Not to mention Picasso, Pollock, Gustav Klimt, Max Beckman, Andrew Wyeth, and many others.

Trinity Episcopal.

The Financial District was a little uneasy. I came upon a protest of the bailout on Wall Street.

I'm not one for big cities, but NYC is different. It is huge. I like huge cities. I had a blast.


six billion.

Six billion human beings on the earth; all created in God's image. Six billion noses, twelve billion eyes, sixty billion toes. All six billion of us need oxygen, water, and food to sustain us. We all bleed when we are cut. Every one of us, the terrorist, the mom, the rapist, the head of state, the tribesman, the homosexual, the CEO, the sixth grader, has felt. Felt love, anger, hurt, and hope. We all have so much in common, for we are all made in the image of God.

Yet, all six billion of us are beautifully unique and diverse. Six billion different fingerprints. Six billion sets of dreams, hopes, ambitions, fears. Six billion different outlooks on the world.

This diversity points us to the Great Artist of the universe who cares so incredibly deeply about each part of his creation. Who loves the terrorist, the mom, the rapist, the head of state, the tribesman, the homosexual, the CEO, the sixth grader, all the same. All six billion of us have come up short of his perfect glory. Yet He loves his creation nonetheless. He taught us how to live and showed us how to care for each other. How we treat our six billion brothers and sisters reflects how we feel about Him, our life giving Creator.